Thursday 21 January 2016

issues we had whilst filming

whilst carrying out our filming for our trailer one of the many issues that we had was managing to get all of our actresses and actors in the same place at the same time. this was a struggle as all of our actors and actresses were from different year groups meaning that they were all available for filming at different times. to overcome this we changed the people that we were using in our film to try and make sure that they would be able to film at the same time. we also had to change some of the shots that we used in order to make it work. some of the shots we had to change to an extreme close up to ensure that the persons head was not being included in the shot and just the action was being filmed. Becky and i also had to stand in for some of our actresses at certain points during our filming. we did this for the shots that did not require our faces to be seen.

final name of the film

the final name that we decided on for our film was 'Rosie'. we decided that this was the name that was going to sound the best as our title. The name of the film is also the name of the victim in the film, in which our whole film is based on. we chose the name Rosie as it linked closely with the name Rose. This instantly made us think of the colour red which links to blood. this supports the idea of the victim being killed in our film.

Wednesday 20 January 2016


'This is Victoria, she's number one in our class, head of the prom committee and captain of the netball team- your classic over achiever'

'Megan- she's the gossip of the group- tell her anything and everyone will know by lunchtime'

'This is Emily taking narcissism to a whole new level, yet again'

'my best friend, Lauren- living up to the blonde stereotype'

'And my names Rosie'

we were inseparable, until summer last year when everything changed.

we decided to use this idea of a voiceover as it is very common in a lot of teen movies including teen horror movies. An example of this that we looked at was the popular teen movie 'mean girls'. we also wanted to do this as we believed it was a good way for us to introduce all of our characters to the audience as well as letting them know a bit about each of them. 

name of the film

I started to think of ideas of what i wanted to call the film. i decided that i wanted to call the film after a girls name. the name that we chose would be the victim of the film. I researched other films that had the same sort of idea, and that used a name for their title. the names that i decided to chose from were...

Monday 11 January 2016

film poster analysis

This is a typical example of a film poster. This is is different from a teaser posters it has a to more content. This film poster follows most of the conventions of a normal film poster. An example of this is that it gives away the name of the main actress. This is important as it will not only gather a bigger audience they will also gather the attention from the previous fans of the actress, which will give the film a larger audience before it is released. this is a typical example of a film poster as it follows many of the different codes and conventions of a horror poster. By looking at the poster you can see that the main image is the eye of a woman. This could suggest that she is the victim in this film which would show an example of a typical stereotype. 

Music in our trailer

During the editing of our trailer we couldn’t decide what type of sound would be the most effective.  At the start of the trailer we decided to have no music until the audience could see a bit more action in the trailer. We then watched some more horror trailers to decide what music would fit the best. We tested out lots of different ideas first but none of them seemed to fit the type of style we were going for. We than had an idea to use a cover of a popular song. We chose to use the song ‘don’t you (forget about me)’ from the popular teen film ‘The Breakfast Club’. This fit perfectly with out teen horror film. To ensure that we are not breaching the terms of the copyrighted song, we used a cover of the song as well as attempting to contact the original producer and artist.