Thursday 22 October 2015

Health and Safety

Health and Safety risk assessment
Day 1 filming-
In our first day shooting we have to slam the locker door shut. The risks of this are hands could easily be trapped inside the locker, if we were not careful school property such as the locker could be damaged if it was shut too hard and lessons could also be interrupted if it was too loud. We figured out a way to overcome these risks such as to be very careful when shutting the locker door forcefully and make sure hands are kept out of the way. The locker doesn’t have to be shut loudly as we can edit the shot to make it sound louder if necessary. And make sure we film away from any lessons and keep as quiet as possible as well as keeping the camera out of the way to avoid any disturbance.
When filming in the sixth from room we identified that some of the risks could be disturbing students that are trying to work, our equipment could be getting in peoples way during the filming or it could be damages. To get rid or lessen the risks we decided to film during tutor time when there were no lessons taking place to make sure we weren’t disturbing anyone and we also made sure that everyone who was in the room was part of the film therefore they knew what was going on and were aware of the equipment around them.
We also need to film in the school car park. This part of the filming also involves using a car. The risks of this were that we need to have permission in order for us and the people that are involved in the film to leave the school, the car boot is slammed shut therefore hands could be trapped, the shot involves carrying heavy books so they may cause strain on the persons back. We also had to make sure that we had permission to use the car, we also have to determine of the weather is okay as if it is raining it could damage the equipment. There are also other cars in the car park so if we are not looking someone could be hurt; we are filming with a person inside the boot which is covered in fake blood. In order to make the risks lower or get rid of them completely we decided that we would get permission from a high member of staff to leave the school so we don’t get ourselves or the other students into trouble, we also said that we need to make sure that the boot of the car is shut carefully in order to save the person from accidently hurting themselves or damaging the car as well as making sure the owner of the car is present at the time of filming. If the weather is bad we will reschedule the filming to avoid damaging the equipment as well as making sure that we check the weather beforehand.  We will also make sure that everyone included is aware of the dangers around them such as the other cars and make sure that there is someone looking out for moving cars. When filming with the person in the boot we will make sure the shot lasts no longer than 10 seconds so it can be reopened straight away as well as doing a patch test 24 hours before covering them in blood to ensure that it doesn’t irritate them or cause a reaction on the skin. 
When filming with a spade there are many risks. These include the spade being very heavy and hard to carry, we need to be aware of other people, we also need to get permission from the school as it can be seen as dangerous or a weapon. To solve these problems we will make sure that the person carrying the spade is comfortable and it isn’t too heavy or hurting them when they carry it, we will also make sure that we get permission from the relevant staff members such as our media teacher and we will also make sure that anyone around is informed that it is for a media lesson and make sure there is not too many people around. 

Day 2 filming-
On our second day of filming we are filming in a bedroom. The risks of this are there could be lots of different things on the floor which will be a trip hazard, the hair straighteners included in the shot could burn, all of the electronics that we are using may overheat and there may be allergies to the food that we are including in the filming. To overcome these risks we need to make sure that we stress caution about the objects on the floor to all of the people that are involved, we will also make sure that we keep the straighteners turned off even when we are filming and just use them as a prop and before we decide of which food they will be eating in the shot we check for any allergies for buying it.
When filming outside the bedroom the risks are the weather and the neighbours and surrounding people. To overcome these risks we will make sure that we check the weather beforehand as well as using an umbrella to protect the camera and have a dry set of clothes for the people that are included in the shot if it happens to rain. We will also inform the neighbours that we are filming for a media project in case they are disturbed. 
There is also wine included in the shot so the risks could be spillages as well as underage drinking.  To avoid these we will make sure that they people in the shot are very careful when they are holding the glass and don’t fill it up too much as well as making sure that the wine isn’t real and substitute it for something such as apple juice. 
During these shots one of our actresses is pushed. The risk is of them falling over and hurting themselves however to overcome this risk we will make sure that the other actresses involved don’t actually push her very hard or with much force. 
There is a hair pulling shot during day 2 of filming so the risk is hurting the actress involved. To overcome this risk we will make sure that her hair isn’t actually pulled hard to avoid hurting her.
When filming with weapons such as a knife there are many risks. These include making sure that everyone in the shot feels comfortable and the knife is used responsibly as well as making sure it’s not too sharp. To overcome these risks we need to make sure that everyone in the shot is aware that the knife is safe to use and it is not going to be used as a real weapon and only a prop as well as making sure that it is blunt in case of any accident such as the knife being dropped. 
In our final part of filming we will be at the cinema and in the town centre. The risks of this is that there could be a lot of people around, there is food involved so there could be allergies, the weather could be bad and there are all different brands and businesses that will be included in the filming. To lessen these risks it is important that we check the weather beforehand and plan so we know if it is going to be raining or not, check if people have any allergies to the food that we will be using such as the popcorn and put up signs to let people know that we are filming and carry our student cards in case any questions are asked. We also need to get permissions from the shops of businesses in the shots to ensure that they don’t mind as well as not including brand names or logos to avoid any problems later on. 

Day 3 filming- 
We are filming in an abandoned house so the risks are that the house could be unstable, we need to get permission from the owners, other people may be in the house or approach it whilst we are filming, there also may be no or bad lighting which could cause trip hazards and we need to carry the props in and out. The overcome these risks we need to check the house beforehand to ensure that is safe for us to use as well as getting permission from the owner to say that we can use the house for filming. We also will need to take our own lighting with use and ensure that everyone is sensible whilst we are there as well as having a responsible adult and making sure that parents know that we are there.
During this day of filming we will be tying people to chairs. The risks of this are that the chair could tip up, the persons hands will be ties so they cannot use them and it may hurt their risks. To lessen the risks we will make sure that the chairs that we are using are stable and untie the actors every now and then as well as ensuring they realise what will be happening beforehand. 
There are many risks that could occur when we film with the rope around the actor’s neck. These include them not being able to breathe properly and rope burns. When we film this we will make sure that the rope is not actually tied and we won’t be filming for very long. We will also make sure that we are gentle to avoid hurting them in any way. If the actor is still not comfortable we will change the shot and just show the stalker with the rope rather than it being used. 
When filming with weapons such as a knife there are many risks. These include making sure that everyone in the shot feels comfortable and the knife is used responsibly as well as making sure it’s not too sharp. To overcome these risks we need to make sure that everyone in the shot is aware that the knife is safe to use and it is not going to be used as a real weapon and only a prop as well as making sure that it is blunt in case of any accident such as the knife being dropped. 
When tipping over a chair there are risks such as the actor may be hurt or feel uncomfortable, the floor may not be clean and the chairs could be damaged. To avoid these risks we will make sure that we get the shot as fast as possible as well as not tipping the chair whilst the actors are tied to it and tie them to it once the chair is already on the ground as well as making sure that the floor is clear enough for them to lie on. 
The next shot includes forcing someone to drink. This is a risk as it could cause them to choke or they may feel uncomfortable. To overcome this we need to make sure that we are not forceful and not actually making them drink as well as ensuring the actor is comfortable at all times.  
One of our scenes is filmed with scissors and pliers and a bat. The risks of this are that the person could be accidently hurt. To overcome these risks we need to make sure that the person using to tools is safe and sensible and that they are not too sharp. We will also stop shooting before the tools become dangerously close to the other person. 
When using fake blood the risks are that the person could be allergic to the ingredients, it if it spilt it could be a slip hazard and the owner may object to putting blood in the house. To overcome these we will make sure that we do a patch test before hand to ensure that it doesn’t irritate the skin  and make sure that that we have permission from the owner before putting blood anywhere and make sure that everyone is sensible. 

The final risk is running through the house, this is a risk as the person may trip and it is in a unfamiliar environment. To overcome these risks we first need to make sure the floor is stable enough to run across and make sure anything is moved out the way to make sure that nobody is tripped. 

Wednesday 21 October 2015

25 word pitch

"A girl is murdered and her stalker knows it was one of her friends, he decides to torture them to find out which one"

25 word pitch review

we showed our 25 word pitch to the rest of the media students. the students said the pitch was good and the plot was clear but they also gave us some feedback to help us improve. here is the feedback that we received:
- add music to make more of an impact
- make sure that the target audience is clear rather than leaving it for the audience to guess e.g add in an age rating certificate

Thursday 15 October 2015

Camera Workshop

During our Media lesson we went out of school and went along to the local film festival. when we were there we met with camera man Robert Foster. Meeting him and taking part in the talk helped us and gave us tips and ideas of what we need to include in our trailers, for example-

- lighting is very important to create high quality film  (creating a professional look)
- it is more difficult to make good quality film without some sort of budget
- to film in dark places you usually need to have high budget lighting to make it look real and    professional
- The lighting inside and outside has a different colour temperature- this is very important when choosing a shot
- natural lighting is better to use as it creates less shadows
-making sure that you use appropriate camera angles depending on the type of shot that you are filming
- continuity is very important. for example you have to make sure that in different filming sessions you use the same lighting to ensure that it stays the same throughout.