Thursday 15 October 2015

Camera Workshop

During our Media lesson we went out of school and went along to the local film festival. when we were there we met with camera man Robert Foster. Meeting him and taking part in the talk helped us and gave us tips and ideas of what we need to include in our trailers, for example-

- lighting is very important to create high quality film  (creating a professional look)
- it is more difficult to make good quality film without some sort of budget
- to film in dark places you usually need to have high budget lighting to make it look real and    professional
- The lighting inside and outside has a different colour temperature- this is very important when choosing a shot
- natural lighting is better to use as it creates less shadows
-making sure that you use appropriate camera angles depending on the type of shot that you are filming
- continuity is very important. for example you have to make sure that in different filming sessions you use the same lighting to ensure that it stays the same throughout.

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