Tuesday 22 September 2015

plot for my horror film

For my horror film i have decided to work in a pair. I have chosen to do this as we were then able to collaborate both of our ideas and create a new idea which was better than both of our individual ideas. I also wanted to work with another student as it allows us to have a wider range of skills and resources that we can use to make our film.

Our films is about the murder of a school girl which happened around a year before the film is set. the film focuses on a group of five girls who were all friends with the girl who was murdered. however it was one of the girls five friends who killed her but the audience and other friends are not aware of this. one year later the five girls are taken hostage whilst getting on with their daily lives. they were taken hostage in a fellow classmates hose who was previously obsessed with the vicim.

The beginning of the film  is set in the school, where you see the five girls just carrying out her daily routines. within the school you can see that the girls re being watched and followed however they do not notice this and it isn't made obvious to the odic who it is that is following them. we have chosen not to show the walkers face as we think it will make the film more intense if you re not aware of who the threat is. the audience do however know that the character is a male who was obsessed with the murdered girl. this is clearly seen when you notice that he has a shrine of her in in his school locker.

The five friends are then taken hostage by the obsessive stalker. he lures one of the girls into his house whilst his parents are away for the week and used the girls phone to text her friends telling them to meet her there. the five girls are then tied to chairs as he confesses his secret love and obsession for their murdered friend. the stalker rolls up his sleeves to his shirt to reveal a bracelet that was once owned by the victim. throughout the film it will be made obvious hat she was wearing this bracelet on the night of her death.

the stalker reveals he is determined to find out which one of them murdered her. to try and get as much information as he can he results to violence and hurts the girls as well as forcing them to hurt each other. at the start of this they all stand up for themselves and fight back, however he becomes more and more forceful about making them tell the truth that the girls become more willing to join in and be a part of his awful game that he is playing. the film will revel that they are all guilty at different points as none of them have been completely honest abut what had happened. throughout the film there will be home video included of the girl and her five fiends having a good time and laughing which will represent their memories of her. there will also be flashbacks from the night of the murder. the stalkers game is set up in a 'truth or dare' style as he tired to work out who murdered the victim.

at the end of the film one of the friends finally admits to killing the victim, but only reveals this truth as the stalker almost kills her. after finding out the truth the stalker goes ahead and gets his revenge by killing her, however he then kills himself. the girls are left in the room tied up for the rest of the weekend until they are found by the boys parents when they return home.

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