Wednesday 25 November 2015

film poster evaluation

During our lesson i had a look at a film poster and a film magazine that other students had produced. i looked at these as it gave me an idea of what was expected from my poster and magazine cover. when i looked at these products i evaluated them and picked out all of the things that had ben done well and then the things that could be improved. The first one that i looked at the was film poster shown below. This was graded at a level 4. this was because it stuck to the min conventions of a film magazine, it had a wide variety of texts and fonts as well as good integration of the text and the images. There was only a few things that were wrong with the magazine, such as it is not clear if it is a teaser trailer or a full film poster.

film magazine evaluation

During our lesson i had a look at a film poster and a film magazine that other students had produced. i looked at these as it gave me an idea of what was expected from my poster and magazine cover. when i looked at these products i evaluated them and picked out all of the things that had ben done well and then the things that could be improved. The first one that i looked at the was film magazine shown below. This was graded at a high level 3. This was because they had used the correct conventions of a magazine for the page layout, used a variety of different font and text sizes, has a good use of IT and ha good integration of illustration and text. The reason that this didn't get top band was due to only a few minor issues. for example the bar code was places in the wrong position and on the wrong side of the magazine. The title of the magazine also needs to be a bit bigger and a different font as it doesn't look as realistic as the real magazine title.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Teaser Poster

This is a teaser poster for 'The Dark Knight'. this is a teaser poster as it reveals very little about the film other than the title, release date and a tagline. The purpose of the release date is to hype people up for the film and get them excited to see it as soon at it comes out in cinemas. they also use a tagline from the film to spark interest as well as giving a connection to events that happen during the film. The image on the poster relates to two main people within the film. the black eyes and the red mouth symbols the main villain in the film which is the joker and the mouth also is in the shape of a bat which represents batman himself who is the main character in the film. The main colours that are used in the film are dark blue and black. they use thee course as it is supposed to be a dark and intense film, these colours symbolise the darkness and make the poster look dramatic. The bat is in red to make it stand out as thats the main give away from the film. This poster meets most of the conventions of a horror poster. an example of this is the colour scheme that is used. most horror films use black, white and red which is the same colours that are used in this poster.

The role of posters

The main point of a Film poster is to advertise the release of a new film. this is because they are usually released very early on and release the date of the film, which gets people excited and hyped up for the film. the posters usually have a range of different information about the film such as the name, the main actors and actresses, the information about its release and the age rating certificate. The posters usually name popular actresses or actors that are starring in the film as it attracts viewers due to the popularity of the stars. the Role of film posters is also to target specific audiences. for example for a film there may be several different posters made so they are all able to work together to target a larger audience. As well as being used to advertise the film, they can also become merchandise. This is because if people are looking forward and excited to watch the film and enjoy it after they have watched it they may decide to purchase one or more of the posters for the film.
There are any different types of film posters that are used for different things, such as teaser posters, character posters and a motion poster. A taster poster is usually used a promotional poster that is released before the official one. it usually doesn't give away much information about the film but contain a large image to spark interest. its main purpose is to generate excitement for the film. the character posters usually just feature a large image of the main character or 2 characters that star in the film. there is usually a tagline to reflect the qualities of the characters.